Welcome everyone! My art represents what I believe is the next step in the eventualities of graphical evolution... in other words, I believe that I am helping the cause, piece by piece, to break us out of the horrid Window's default graphics world we liv
Ok, I almost didn't do this, at the risk that I'll get lynched for revealing the Bryce-heads "big" secret, but I want all of you to realize how simple it is, so you can make them for yourself. Hopefully this won't result in more Bryce uploads, but if the admins think it will, I give them 100% permission (not like they need it ) to delete this thread. Ok, in any event, here's how it's done:

1. Create a metaball (if you don't have metaballs, a sphere will do)

2. Make it really big and raise it so that it's not touching the ground.

3. Next apply a silver material to the shape.

4. Now duplicate the object (Ctrl D) and move the new object next to the first metaball (or sphere).

5. Make the new object just as big, but a little longer, like a football shape. Rotate the object along the X axis, so that the end of the football object sticks into the metaball (or sphere).

6. Now create a radial light (the first of the light objects under the "Create" tab. Make the intensity a little lower and apply a color to it (later you can mess around with the intensity and other materials).

7. Duplicate the light (Ctrl D) and move one of them into each of the two objects.

8. Get into the directors or camera view, and move into the objects.

9. NOW FINALLY you start to see it take shape. If things are too dark, or too bright, you can always change the light intensity.

10. Now comes the "hard" part (actually not hard at all, mostly just time consuming). Camera positioning!

11. It will probably take some time to get used to and to find something worthy of rendering and saving, but you will come up with something that looks great sooner or later. You've just gotta play around with the camera, light intensity, and coloring.

CONGRATULATIONS! You've just mastered the art of the Bryce Head!

In the words of the great (and unfortunatly late) Nick Burns:
"Oh yea, one more thing: You're welcome"
Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 07, 2003
But the intention of it it's just to create turmoil and in the process, offend a large group of people.

Apocolypse... I respect you and your work but I disagree. The Bryce 101 tutorial was posted at the height of our fight to have some of the blob and swirlie walls moderated thus I feel that post was made to anger some people. In effect the poster was saying, "People are fighting this trend so I think I'll post a tutorial so more people will create them."

I believe Macrobayes intentions were to show how easy it is for even someone with no "talent" to create something in Bryce and call it a wallpaper.

Both posts seem to be a sort of an "In your face" kind of thing.

No disrespect to anyone intended but those are my feelings.
on Aug 07, 2003
how can all of you say that? he made the personal attack at ME! I was just responding to that! i can't belieev i'm getting called off for defending myself.
on Aug 07, 2003
And screw you braniac, calling ME a loser, as you just did, is a personal attack on me, so stop being such a hypocrit!
on Aug 07, 2003
I hope you all realize that I am not a person who attacks people for no reason. I think Armani is a good artist, but he has attacked me many times, in this thread and in the comments section of his walls. I was simply defending myself, something that has nothing to do with "class" as IR Braniac put it.

And I'm sorry braniac for my afore stated comment, I was again only defending myself at your blatent attempt to put me down, something which I will not stand for.
on Aug 07, 2003
As I stated before, I respect every artist on here, because it takes effort to create the work that get uploaded. And again, Brainiac, you make a personal attack on me. I hope everyone here sees how Brainiac is. I'm sorry, but I meant for this post to show how easy it is to create something like the work that gets uploaded.

LadyWolf, I'm sorry if I offended you. I like your work very much, and the reason I said "no-talent ass clown" is because, well for one I just watched Office Space, and secondly I was mad that Green Armani made a personal attack on me.

Brainiac, please stop this derogatory nonsense. Lets be friends, I was making a general reference to the bryce work, not to anyone's in general.
on Aug 07, 2003
No-one wins with personal attacks.....just remember that and we'll all get along...
on Aug 07, 2003
I hope you were saying that in general Jafo, because I only made the negative comments towards Green Armani and I.R. Brainiac in retaliation to their personal attacks on me.
on Aug 07, 2003
/ me hasonboat tries the colored text thing while watching another melodrama, which hashonboat has no opinion of.
Hash asks: How do you end the red text thingy?
on Aug 07, 2003
type"/" me without the quotation marks

Pretend Hashonboat is an Indiana redneck.
hashonboat actually spent 30 yrs in L.A. but thinks the redneck has rubbed on.
Oh! Now I get it! duhr!
[Message Edited]
on Aug 07, 2003
The statement goes for everyone...
on Aug 07, 2003
Some people are mistaken for a dickweed, some that are never known to be and others can not seem to prove with words and remove all doubt IPlural thinks.
on Aug 07, 2003
"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be, and if it were so, it would be; but as it isn't, it ain't. That's logic!"
-- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

on Aug 07, 2003
Sugaree waves to IPlural welcome back!
on Aug 07, 2003
A few weeks ago I got angry at something that was said. A while later I realized it was self defeating. Please let's not go through that again. The hardest part of life is living together, but it's worth the effort, for we are enriched by the experience.

Let's embrace our differences rather than resent them.

All it takes is a kind word...
on Aug 07, 2003
Sugaree is still giggling at the words "ass-clown" Can two words get any funnier?
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