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Published on June 12, 2004 By macrobaye In WinCustomize Talk
a pretty odd thread, but one I've always pondered over... what's the best way for all of you to tan (outdoors, no booths)... I need to bronze up this summer after the long Rhode Island winter... soo, I guess the questions that need to be asked are:

What Lotion works the best (SPF, brand, etc)?
How long should one be tanning?

I guess that's it, thanks!
Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 12, 2004
Tan booths does make your skin turn yellow. The sunshine & high SPF tan lotion works good. Doesn't matter which brand ya use. Make sure ya ain't allergic to it. Have fun in the sun.
on Jun 12, 2004
Try Florida...
on Jun 12, 2004
Try standing close to a nuclear blast. I hear not only do you get a good tan but you also glow in the dark.

on Jun 12, 2004
climb up a mountain, (> 3000m) find a Glacier, relax on the snow and within 10 minutes you will look like a living warning sign.

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[Message Edited]
on Jun 12, 2004
Why encourage skin cancer? At your young age, you would be better off avoiding too much sun.
on Jun 12, 2004
Rhode Island winter?

First thing to do is, buy everyone dark glasses so they don't go blind when you step out into the sun.

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on Jun 12, 2004
Dont, if your going to the beach slap on a complete block out lotion. Australia has the higest rate of skin cancer in the world. (People wanting a tan.)
on Jun 12, 2004
Obviously every one has their own ways to deal with the tan issue. My first questions are, are you a fair, med. or dark skin ned, and how easily do you burn? Makes a BIG difference on how long you are out in the sun, and what SPF you really want. Of course there are some very good slef tanners out that don't turn you a funky orange anymore, and that would be a safer alternative.
on Jun 13, 2004
Come down to South Texas. Work in my rice fields. >
on Jun 14, 2004
Judging from an earlier post, I reckon Arizona's a good place to get a lot of sun unless your a cow...(Did anyone ever get an answer to that question??)
on Jun 14, 2004
'Tan' is simply trend-speak for 'die a horrible death with cancer'....nothing more, nothing less.
on Jun 14, 2004
Jafo speaks wise words.........be careful..........skin cancer through sun exposure is rapidly becoming the worlds most prevalent cancer. Whatever skin type you are you must protect yourself adequately. Also remember that prolonged exposure to the sun over years damages your skin and ages it. I work in some of warmest climates in the western world in the USA, Carribbean and islands in the Gulf of Mexico and it is good to see that many people i work with out there are now taking this seriously.
on Jun 14, 2004
But if you do want that slow death, a quick tan can be had by mixing iodine and baby oil before sunning.
on Jun 14, 2004
Oh yeah, and putting it on your skin...
on Jun 14, 2004
While growing up here in Florida I used to spend my summers and then year round in the sun doing construction for my brothers company. All I would wear would be cut off's (pockets must hang at least 1 inch below height of leg ), no shirt, bandanna holding hair out of eyes and high top court shoes.

I now go in constantly and have to be looked over for the various sore spots, strawberries and other various thing that seem to just appear on my skin. My skin is not like leather anymore, but I still have the crows feet from squinting constantly that I have had since I was 19.

Skin Cancer is extreamly common here in Florida, so much that we do not allow our daughter out without sun screen on no matter what the index says.

I would not go to my car durring summer in Australia, the stats on Skin Cancer there are boggling from what I remember and that was almost 10 years ago that I last saw anything on them. I think it was close to 1 in 7 of regular beach visitors, surfers and such. Must be more now for sure.

A tan is not worth a shorter life...
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