Welcome everyone! My art represents what I believe is the next step in the eventualities of graphical evolution... in other words, I believe that I am helping the cause, piece by piece, to break us out of the horrid Window's default graphics world we liv
Published on August 22, 2004 By macrobaye In WinCustomize Talk
So I set out on a mission to create my first Icon Packager set about a week ago, and after that week passed, I had over 100 pretty neat looking icons (sort of) in 255x255 PNG format....not exactly ideal for conversion to ICOs (of which, at that point, I was unaware). One important note is that not only were these created on a laptop, but on a Mac (PowerBook G4). I decided to put it out as an OD set first to see how it played out, and so far it's looking pretty good... but something struck me... I created these on a Mac!... I had no idea how these icons ended up looking to PC users (the windows color proof setup is much less contrasted and darker than mac's, especially since I'm on a laptop)... so I go to check, and they look NOTHING like how I made them! Much brighter, much less contrasted...NOT what I expected. So this is where my first question comes in to play:

Should I delete the set, and re-upload the corrected one? Or should I simply update the current set? Hmm...

So that was problem number one... more to come, ladies and gents!

So after changing the Brightness and Contrast on EACH FRIGGIN ICON in the set, I'm left with 100+ 255x255 PNGs. So begins my adventure on trying to convert them to high res ICOs. First I tried a variety of shareware and freeware progs for mac, including Iconographer, Iconverter, and Iconizer PS Plug-in. The only one that worked well was Iconverter, but the max size I could get was 48x48...so comes my next question:

Is 48x48 high enough for an Icon Packger Set? Hmm....

Then I thought, maybe it would be better to transfer the files to my PC and get some shareware/freeware icon apps for it. So I grab my trusty USB Pen-Drive, and move the files from the PB to the PC... but wait...the stupid PC won't recognize the files as PNGs!!! They're corrupt, or some BS... (this may have something to do with the PS-CS to PS-7 transfer as well)... So I go back and save them all as PSD files, and it works fine. So now, as it stands, I'm looking for a good, preferably *free* solution to convert these PNGs to HQ ICOs...at least 128x128 or so...So here comes my third question:

What are some good programs that I can convert PNGs to ICOs (High quality, High res)

So...I guess I'll update the set, rather than deleting and re-uploading... And hopefully I'll find a good conversion tool... and then you all get to see my first IP...which IMHO, looks pretty damn awesome.

So answer me these questions three! >
on Aug 22, 2004
If you have an od subscription, icondeveloper is the way to go. if you have a bunch of .png files already created, you can the entire group, right click and convert them all to icons at once, and iconpackager will create all the sizes that you choose. i don't know about the limitations of the shareware version of icondeveloper, but you can give that a try. the only other software i ever use for converting icons is axialis iconworkshop, www.axialis.com, but thats not free either... both can create icon sizes up to 255x255, i believe. although, if you create an icon package, most standard icon packages only contain sizes 128x128, 48x48, 32x32, and 16x16. The 128x128 size is optional, some authors like to add it to their packages (mostly so that the icons look better in objectdock). rarely, if ever though, do iconpackages contain sizes larger than 128, and people never have the need for icons at larger sizes either.

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on Aug 22, 2004
Are you an OD subscriber? Then you can use IconDeveloper.

[Ah, beat me to it Halluci ]
[Message Edited]
on Aug 22, 2004

I see macrobaye that you're a level 2 user, which means that you purchased no Stardock program, so therefore you're probably not an Object Desktop subsciber. A shame because Icon Developper would have definately been the way to go. You'd have all your icons in any number of sizes you want in 5 minutes.

on Aug 22, 2004
Ooooh! I get to plug AndreasV! Hold on....gtg grab a link!

Hehe, this prog is incredible! Its way too handy for words. https://www.wincustomize.com/msgboard.asp?BID=WC&id=285187#285220
[Message Edited]
on Aug 22, 2004
Wow thanks so much! And give my props to AndreasV! This thing does exactly what I needed to do! Thanks!
on Aug 22, 2004
looks really cool...gotta try it!